Featuring Bruce Greyson, Anita Moorjani, Eben Alexander and Suzanne Giesemann
At the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk Hotel
Near-Death Experiences frequently are Rites of Passage – they are significant transitions in a person’s life leading to transformation, healing, insight and wisdom…
- Passages to alternate realities
- Passages to wisdom and deeper insights
- Passages to life transformation
- Passages to new understanding about consciousness and the true nature of reality
Both for those who experience them and those who learn about them, near-death experiences are passages into alternate realities, leading to wisdom and deeper personal insights. In their aftermath, NDEs are passages to new ways of being and life transformation.
In 2015, the 40th anniversary of the field of near-death studies, NDEs promise to be a passage leading us to new understandings about consciousness and the true nature of reality.
CEUs available for National Certified Counselors and for Texas LPCs, LMFTs, and Social Workers.
Come celebrate NDE Passages with us on the River Walk in San Antonio, Texas !
Celebrar los pasajes en el Paseo del Rio !
Save the Date! Explore the Extraordinary Conference, September 3 - 6, 2015.
Conference details:
- Thursday, September 3 afternoon: workshops, healings
- Thursday, September 3 evening: special presentation
- Friday – Sunday, September 4-6: presentations, workshops, healings
- Hotel rooms: $129 (single to quad occupancy)