A recent article in The Atlantic by Gideon Lichfield provides a fair and balanced presentation of near-death experiences and features IANDS prominently, from the recent 2014 Conference in Newport Beach. Lichfield interviewed IANDS President Diane Corcoran and several NDE researchers including Alan Hugenot, Mitch Liester, Robert Mays and Kim Clark Sharp.
Lichfield explores the physiological as well as transpersonal explanations of NDEs, including the similarity of NDE narratives to the archetypal hero's quest of Joseph Campbell. He brings in the evidence of veridical perceptions in NDEs that have been elusive in NDE studies, including the AWARE study of cardiac arrest patients, as well as the recent EEG study on rats at the end of life. Finally, Lichfield balances the skepticism of Susan Blackmore (from a recent email exchange) with the thought that even materialists "can learn a great deal from NDEs ... about the central role that the [NDE] stories we tell play in shaping our sense of who we are."