I left my body to watch from the top bleacher, which was way higher than the four rows. I saw my body being worked on and remember thinking that I had no pain and questioning why I couldn't feel any pain. I knew I wasn't in my body, but it didn't feel like I was without a body. (I know we still live after death.) I continued to watch, for how long I don't know. It seems like there is no time when you don't have a body. My husband said the rescue was about twenty minutes. When they put me on the stretcher to go into the ambulance, I re-entered my body. The female EMT’s (emergency medical technician) face was the first thing I saw next to mine. She was like an angel reassuring me.
Through this whole event and after, I had no pain. It was like God had removed me from the pain and then sent me back when everything was okay. I had no bruising from all the CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) work done on me. I walked away a week later with no answers from the doctors; when I got to the hospital, they actually didn't believe anything had happened until having read the AED chip. If it wasn't for all the bystanders and EMTs, I wouldn't be here today. Friday the 13th is the luckiest day of my life!