In 2015 I had a massive motorcycle accident that smashed my body and mangled my arm and leg on my right-hand-side..

It took around 2 hours for the paramedics to stabilise me, to make the 10 min journey to hospital. During that period, I left my body and was observing my body from above, coming to the realisation that this is how it ends for me as a roadkill beside the road; my life was for nothing.

Then I had this overwhelming sense of "pure love" which was a million times more than I had experienced on earth. I knew what the feeling was because prior to this incident I had an experience where my 12-week-old daughter had no heart beat on an ultrasound and my guardian angel came to me one night and told me my daughter would live because she is now looking after her, and to not go ahead with a curette, which we didn't, and she was born normally.

After the feeling of pure love, I felt absolute elation and that I was finally home, and now I understand all and know how everything fits together and works. It is so amazing; I do not know how to describe it, incomparable to any emotion I have had on this earth. 

Then I realised that I was so transfixed with looking at my body dying that I did not realise that God was beside me. I was trying to come to grips with the fact that I was out of my body, yet I was totally me, in all aspects. I carried every memory and life experience but I was not in my body, but witnessing the vehicle (my physical body on earth) die. My physical body was not me!

Then God said to me, “Do you want to go back or come with me?" After he said that, every part of me wanted to go with him and become part of the whole and go home, but I had three young children and for all intents and purposes I was their sole carer, so I said, " I need to go back and look after my children; they need me." After I said this, God said, "You will now go back and you will survive this for your children; however, one day you will come with me, but not now."

Then I had a major jolt and I was back in my body with all the pain that comes with being smashed into pieces. I remember all the paramedics getting concerned by bad vitals, but I was thinking there is nothing to be concerned about, as I knew I would survive the ordeal. I was promised I would survive.

I don't know what other experiences are like, nor what scientists think the NDE is attributed to. What I do know for absolute fact is there is more than here and now and it is important to keep your soul in good order. It is so utterly, undefinably magnificent, the best experience/emotion I have had while on this earth.