Explore the Extraordinary  >>

  • Fact Sheet:After-Death Communication (ADC)

    Written by: Jenny Streit-Horn, PhD; Janice Miner Holden, EdD; Noelle St. Germain-Sehr, PhD; and Evelyn Elsaesser, PhD

    (Download a PDF version)

    After-death communication (ADC) is a spontaneous phenomenon in which a living person has a feeling or sense of direct contact with a physically deceased person or animal.

    What forms do ADCs take?

    ADC may occur as any of several types—alone or in combination.

    In the following types, the ADCr’s perception may be either in the external physical environment or as internal mental imagery:

  • Fact Sheet:Near-Death Experience (NDE)

    Written by: Janice Miner Holden, EdD; and Bruce Greyson, MD

    (Download a PDF version)

    In an NDE, usually during a close brush with death due to severe illness or injury or during some other extreme circumstance, a person has a lucid and vivid experience of perceiving the material world from a position outside the physical body and/or perceiving and interacting with beings and environments not of the material world.

    What forms do NDEs take?

    NDEs typically include several features.

Explore the Extraordinary