Fracasso, C., Aleyasin, S. A., Friedman, H., & Young, M. S. (2010). Near-Death Experiences among a Sample of Iranian Muslims Journal of Near-Death Studies, 29(1) 265-272.
Abstract: Muslim near-death experiences (NDEs) have been rarely reported by comparison to the incidence of NDEs reported in other groups. Recently, after Kreps (2009) found no NDEs in a sample from Pakistan and Kashmir, he concluded Muslim NDEs may even be nonexistent. However, in Arak City, Iran, we easily identified 19 Iranian Muslims who reported having experienced an NDE. Thirty participants claiming to have memories from a period of unconsciousness associated with a close brush with death completed a Persian translation of Greyson’s (1983) NDE Scale as well as background and semi-structured questions. Of these, 19 (63%) scored 7 or higher on the NDE Scale, Greyson’s criterion for a valid NDE. The presumed NDErs were 10 female and 9 male; aged 16 to 65 years old with a mean age of 33; ranging in education from no high school diploma (5%), to high school diploma (37%), to bachelor’s degree (58%); reporting NDE circumstances of accident (58%), attempted suicide (16%), illness (11%), natural disaster (11%), and emotional trauma (5%); and reporting time since NDE ranging from less than one to 20 years with a mean of 8 years. Although low reliability precluded further statistical analysis of the data or comparison of them to results of previous Western studies, our informal assessment was that both the contents and aftereffects of the Muslim NDEs were quite similar to those of Westerners. We concluded that NDEs are not particularly rare in Muslim groups and that their similarity to Western NDEs suggests they may be a cross-culturally universal and transpersonal phenomenon.
Aftereffects of NDEs—Orientation to Death
Aftereffects of NDEs—Orientation to Life
Aftereffects of NDEs—Paranormal Phenomena
Aftereffects of NDEs NOS
Afterlife, Belief in
Characteristics of NDErs—Age, Adults
Characteristics of NDErs—Age, Children-Adolescents
Characteristics of NDErs—Education Level
Characteristics of NDErs—Gender
Characteristics of NDEs—Encountering Beings, Deceased or Living
Characteristics of NDEs—Encountering Beings, Spiritual
Characteristics of NDEs—Encountering Beings NOS
Characteristics of NDEs—Life Review
Characteristics of NDEs—Light, Mystical
Characteristics of NDEs—Parapsychological Phenomena, ESP
Characteristics of NDEs—Parapsychological Phenomena, Precognition
Characteristics of NDEs—Return, Involuntary
Characteristics of NDEs—Return, Voluntary
Characteristics of NDEs—Sensory, Sound, Hearing
Circumstances of NDEs—Accident
Circumstances of NDEs—Consciousness and Unconsciousness
Circumstances of NDEs—Illness
Circumstances of NDEs—Stress
Circumstances of NDEs—Suicide
Circumstances of NDEs NOS
Cross-Cultural NDEs (outside the U.S.)—non-Western
Methodology in NDE Research
Religion and NDEs—Islam
Spirituality and NDEs