One night in the winter of 2012, I was at a small gathering of friends where we chatted and drank alcohol. At around 2 am, one of my friends asked me to drop him home. It was snowing a little, just enough to render the asphalt roads slippery. I drove about 3-4 miles to his home and dropped him. I was a bit drunk but my senses were good.
As I turned on the road towards my own home, I noticed that the vehicle tires were not stable due to snow. I do not remember my own speed. The road was spacious and deserted.
Then I woke up at a hospital with about ten people including a few of my friends, police and doctors standing over my head. I had driven the vehicle straight into a roundabout. I have no idea how long had elapsed from the time of the crash to my regaining consciousness at the hospital. The police had called a friend of mine (using the numbers in my own phone) and told him that I had died in the accident.
Between the time I started driving towards home and the hospital, I remember the following: An extremely bright reddish light, on the horizon, coupled with warm temperature. Both extremely pleasing to my eyes and body. The light was the kind when we cover our eyes with our fingers and look straight into the sun on a summer day. There was also great commotion, apparently people moving around in haste, talking, but I could not make sense of what they were talking about or what they were doing, shapes of bodies, or recognizing anybody whatsoever. That image and feel of that light has remained in my memory to this day. I enjoy it whenever I remember it.