Iands has a brand new website for 2025, powered by wordpress

Welcome to the New and Improved IANDS.org!

The IANDS website has been significantly overhauled in 2025, and we’re excited to use this powerful tool to help spread NDE support, education, and research!
The logo for iands, a nonprofit focused on nde (near-death experience) support, education, and research
IANDSthe International Association for Near Death Studies

If you’re familiar with IANDS.org, you’ve surely noticed our website has undergone some major renovations. In fact, we’ve entirely replaced our old website with this new one. And we’re excited to use this powerful new site to shine a spotlight on NDE support, education, and research!

The new website is prettier, runs faster and smoother, and has better navigation menus. And we’re thrilled to see it up and running!

The 2025 IANDS.org overhaul: What did we change and fix?

The first thing longtime visitors will notice is the site’s spiffy new looks. The IANDS.org makeover utilizes modern web design practices. So it’s not only more visually appealing, but also easier to explore on a broader variety of devices. And we’ll be optimizing these improvements even further in the coming weeks.

The changes to our website aren’t merely aesthetic, either. The new IANDS site has a completely redesigned navigation system that’s cleaner and more intuitive. First-time users will have an easier time finding useful information about near-death experiences, getting support, and learning about the research and education initiatives here at IANDS.

The new IANDS.org is using the best practices of search engine optimization (SEO) as well. It’s a fancy way of saying our new website will appear more strongly in search results. And that means more people can learn, find support, and share their own NDE stories with the world.

The new site also boasts wildly improved accessibility. It’s now far more compliant and easier to access for people with disabilities. We intend to continue making accessibility improvements in the coming days and weeks as well.

Work on the new website began in late December 2024. And this wasn’t a small undertaking—we had to build an entirely new website from scratch, using a more modern web design platform than the old site had. We had to rewrite countless articles, crunch numbers, and a bunch of other technical gobbledygook we won’t bore you with.

Can’t find something? Don’t worry, it’s still available!

If you can’t find something you’re looking for, have no fear! The old website is still up and running, now hosted at research.IANDS.org. If you can’t find it on the new site, we simply haven’t moved it over to the new site yet. And we’ve linked to the old content wherever it’s most relevant, too. So that should make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

In the meantime, please explore the new site and let us know what you think. We hope you enjoy the new and improved IANDS.org. And we can’t wait to see how much it helps us enhance the public’s understanding of the NDE phenomenon!

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Matt Terzi