Life after a near-death experience can present unique opportunities for personal growth

Life After a Near-Death Experience: What You Need to Consider

For a great many people, life after a near-death experience (or “NDE”) can be challenging to navigate. It can be difficult to explain what you’ve witnessed—how do you put that imagery into words? How do you bring up the finer details of the experience without exposing yourself to social stigmas or awkwardness? And who can you trust to share your story with?

The most important thing for you to realize is that you’re not alone. And no, you haven’t lost your mind, either. Countless millions of people have had experiences like yours, dating all the way back to ancient times. It’s an extraordinary experience that happens to everyday people, and they happen frequently, too.

Navigating life after a near-death experience can be challenging without guidance. And that’s where IANDS—The International Association for Near-Death Studies—can help. 

Our nonprofit organization is determined to help you take on the challenges of life after a near-death experience with information, education, and support. And if you’d like to share your experience with researchers advancing the scientific study of NDEs, we’d love for you to tell us about your experience first-hand.

Life after a near-death experience and helpful things to consider

Here is some useful advice for living your life to the fullest after a near-death experience:

  • We mentioned this earlier, and we’ll mention it again: you are not alone. There’s a sizable community of people just like you who’ve had near-death experiences. And they’re more similar to your own experience than you might realize!
  • When you’re up for it, take some time to learn more about near-death experiences if you haven’t already
  • Sharing your near-death experience with someone you trust can go a long way toward helping you process and understand it. We highly recommend talking about your NDE with someone you can trust and confide in
  • If your child has had a pediatric near-death experience, please read our article on children and near-death experiences
  • Be sure to read through our NDE Support pages to find more information about groups, resources available to you, advice for finding therapists, and more
  • You may want to download and print our letter from medical professionals, which you can present to healthcare providers. You might also want to consider printing the Lancet article for the same purpose
  • Consider joining IANDS. Our publications can keep you informed and in touch with the NDE community, and we have an informative conference where you can network with others who’ve had NDEs.
  • Consider sharing your experience with us. Your confidentially-shared NDE can help researchers better understand near-death experiences