Recommended Reading List

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The deeper you delve into the world of near-death experiences (NDEs), the more fascinating the topic becomes. It truly is an extraordinary phenomenon. One you may find yourself wanting to read more about. So we decided to compile this staggering recommended reading list for you!

This recommended reading list is, for lack of a better word, gargantuan. If there’s a more comprehensive recommended reading list on the topic of near-death experiences, we haven’t seen it. It’s so big, in fact, that just reading this list alone can feel like a challenge. So we recommend exploring the Table of Contents first, to help you find specific content you may be interested in. Happy hunting!

Table of Contents

Near-Death Experiences

Edited books – containing chapters by different authors

  • The Near-Death Experience: A Reader (Lee W. Bailey and Jenny Yates): Comprehensive overview of NDEs, with accounts and interpretations from writers representing a variety of fields.
  • The Science of Near-Death Experiences (John C. Hagan III): University of Missouri Press. Evidence-based research on NDEs by physicians and scientists, including those who themselves have had an NDE. The recollections of NDErs often refute attempts to explain how the brain can produce such vivid recollections.
  • The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation (Janice Miner Holden, Bruce Greyson, and Debbie James): A summary of what was discovered about NDEs in the first three decades of research; presentations from the historic 2006 IANDS conference at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Comprehensive, scholarly.

Autobiographies and Biographies

Special NDE Topics

Specific NDE subtopics, organized alphabetically such as aftereffects of NDEs, cultural diversity and NDEs, disabilities and NDEs, and distressing NDEs.

Aftereffects of NDEs

Children’s NDEs

Cultural diversity and NDEs

  • Crossing Over & Coming Home (Liz Dale): Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered near-death experiencers describe their experiences and aftereffects.
  • Experiences Near Death: Beyond Medicine and Religion (Allan Kellehear): A cross-cultural and sociological approach to NDEs, their cultural and psychological response, and why they occur. Ken Ring called it “an absolute must read for any serious student of the NDE.”

Disabilities and NDEs

Distressing NDEs

Religion and NDEs

  • Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilizations: The Origins of the World’s Afterlife Beliefs (Gregory Shushan): Shushan reveals near-death experiences from the ancient texts of five ancient civilizations that developed independently of one another yet shared afterlife beliefs too consistent and specific to be mere coincidence. He concludes that afterlife beliefs are not entirely invented by cultures but stem from universal truths derived from NDEs.
  • Religion, Spirituality and the Near-Death Experience (Mark Fox): Well-done overview of a complex topic.
  • Near-Death Experience in Indigenous Religions (Gregory Shushan): Shushan explores the relationships between near-death experiences, shamanism, and beliefs about the afterlife in traditional indigenous societies in Africa, North America, and Oceania. Drawing on historical accounts of the earliest encounters with explorers, missionaries, and ethnologists, this study addresses questions about the role of NDEs in the afterlife beliefs of indigenous cultures.

Veridical perception and NDEs

  • The Self Does Not Die: Verified paranormal phenomena from near-death experiences (Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven, and Rudolf Smit): A compilation of over 125 accounts of paranormal phenomena during NDEs that were later verified as accurate by independent sources. The authors discuss implications of these cases for the question of survival of physical death and address arguments skeptics have raised. Highly recommended for anyone interested in the “objective reality” of near-death experiences.

Afterlife and NDEs

Shared death experience (SDE)

Spiritual awakening and spiritual emergency

Transpersonal experiences in general

After-death communication (ADC)

  • Induced After-Death Communication: A Miraculous Therapy for Grief and Loss (Allan Botkin): A former Veterans Administration psychologist describes his discovery of a counseling/psychotherapy strategy uniquely effective in reducing painful grief symptoms by facilitating after-death communication for most patients/clients. His clinical observation of its effectiveness was recently confirmed by an experimental study.
  • Hello from Heaven (Bill and Judy Guggenheim): After completing her dissertation on all published work on after-death communication through 2010, Jenny Streit-Horn was asked: If I were to read only one book on this subject, which one would you recommend? Her answer was this book, a classic that summarizes reports of the frequency and types of after-death communication.
  • Love and the Afterlife: How to Stay Connected to Your Human and Animal Loved Ones (Judy Beischel): A foremost researcher of mediumship provides steps for people seeking contact with deceased loved ones to do so.
  • Spontaneous Contacts with the Deceased (Evelyn Elsaesser): Results of a recent large-scale international study of after-death communication, reaffirming and adding to the body of knowledge about this meaningful experience that occurs so often yet remains widely misunderstood in Western culture.

Psychic abilities


Nearing-death awareness and end-of-life care

Terminal lucidity (TL)

Reincarnation and life-between-lives

  • Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Michael Newton): Using a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects, Newton discovered some amazing insights into what happens to people between reincarnated lives.
  • Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives (Michael Newton): In this follow-up to Journey of Souls, Newton presents 70 additional case histories of people who were hypnotically regressed into their lives-between-lives and more details about various aspects of life “on the other side.”
  • Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect (Ian Stevenson): In this unique volume, pioneering research Stevenson presents cases in which children who remember previous lives have birthmarks, disabilities, and other physical manifestations that match the traumatic death of the alleged previous person. Includes an inset with photos from several cases.
  • Before: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives (Jim B. Tucker): Combines two previous bestselling volumes: Return to Life and Life Before Life. Reviews extensive research at the University of Virginia on children who remember previous lives.

Afterlife beliefs

  • The Reasonable Beyond: Valid Afterlife Evidence (Julie Beischel): A renowned mediumship researcher clarifies the true nature of scientific investigation and applies those principles to the question of the survival of consciousness after physical death.

Consciousness/mind-brain relationship

  • Expanding Reality: The Emergence of Postmaterialist Science (M. Beauregard): A neuroscientist presents near-death experiences as one of several lines of evidence that mind, consciousness, and spirit cannot be reduced simply to electrical and chemical activity in the brain. An updated version of the author’s 2012 book, Brain Wars.
  • Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century (Edward Kelly and Emily Williams Kelly, with Bruce Greyson): Comprehensive and detailed empirical proof that the reductive, materialistic belief that mind equals brain is not just incomplete but false. A major scholarly work.
  • Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality (Edward Kelley, Adam Crabtree, and Paul Marshall): Building on the previous book Irreducible Mind, this volume includes chapters by various authors addressing what model of reality expands upon physicalism/materialism to accommodate phenomena such as the paranormal and near-death experiences.
  • Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism (Edward Kelly and Paul Marshall): Various authors contributed chapters to this volume that endorses a post-materialist worldview and addresses the implications of that stance for a more comprehensive view of reality and a broader perspective on human potential.