Beyond the Grave (2023)
This 2023 documentary features interviews with people who have had near-death experiences, including Proof of Heaven author Eben Alexander, MD. Watch it here.
Surviving Death (2021)
Based on the book by journalist Leslie Kean, this six episode documentary series interviews an array of near-death researchers and experiencers, including leading experts from the University of Virginia Medical School Division of Perceptual Studies. Surviving Death also explores related phenomena like after death communication and reincarnation. Watch it here.
Afterlife (2011)
This 2011 documentary features Raymond Moody, MD, author of the landmark, 1975 book Life After Life, along with other experts and people who had near-death experiences.
Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What (2009)
Can people look into the future or read your mind? Can they view actions remotely? Can they heal themselves when they are close to death. This fascinating and quirky documentary explores a variety of psychic phenomena.
Watch Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What on Amazon Prime Video
The Day I Died (2006)
The 2006 BBC documentary The Day I Died, available at no cost online, is still relevant today, featuring leading researchers in the field of near-death studies addressing the ways in which NDEs challenge the materialist worldview that currently dominates Western scientific inquiry. Teachers can use the viewing/teaching guide. A 2006 media review of the video can be found here. A study showing the effectiveness of using The Day I Died as an educational tool can be found here.
Life With Ghosts (1996)
Life with Ghosts is an award-winning documentary about a research study that seeks to connect bereaved survivors with loved ones through a process known as Induced After-Death Communication (IADC). The film explores the positive effects of IADC on grieving people.
The Redemption of Howard Storm
Howard Storm was an atheist who had a profound and distressing NDE in1985 when he died in a hospital in Paris. Howard made a plea to Jesus, which led to a profound experience. Howard’s story helped to define distressing NDEs.
You can watch the entire documentary online. Click the links below:
- Parts 1 & 2 : The Chains We Forge in Life/Rescued
- Part 3 : A Million Questions
- Part 4 : Reflections of a Life in Christ
Dramatic Films
Heaven is for Real (2014)
Heaven Is for Real is a 2014 American drama film, Greg Kinnear plays Todd Burpo, and Kelly Reilly plays Sonja Burpo, a real couple whose son Colton claims to have visited paradise during his clinical death. Colton details his experiences and speaks about things that happened before his birth. Available on Amazon Prime
Hereafter (2010)
Featuring Matt Damon, Hereafter explores the subject of life beyond death as viewed from the perspective of a near-death experience and after death communications. This movie can be an opportunity to get together with others after watching the film to discuss the details and explore viewpoints. Available on Amazon Prime.