Butterflies symbolize many of the elements of near-death experiences including growth, rebirth, and transformation

Near-Death Experiences

The topic of near-death experiences, or “NDEs”, can be difficult to approach. They challenge beliefs and create social stigmas. So finding valuable information on NDEs—information unweighted by those biases—can be challenging.

Near-death experiences are real. And at the International Association for Near Death Studies, our mission is to help you understand them through education and support. And we strive to help science and academic communities find useful tools for continuing education, research, and more.

At IANDS, our goal is to provide you with information, education, support, and research tools regarding NDEs. And that starts with helping you gain an understanding of what NDEs are, how they’re defined, and what we know about them to date.

Information on near-death experiences

If you or someone you know has had a near-death experience, it’s important to understand that you’re not alone. Millions of people have shared similar NDEs to yours, with common features and traits you’ll find entirely relatable to your own experience.

These articles will give you a stronger understanding of NDEs. They’ll explain what we know about NDEs and help you understand and interpret what you’ve gone through. And you can also learn how to contribute to the scientific advancement of studying near-death experiences by sharing your story, too.

More information is available on IANDS.org

At IANDS, we’re committed to helping those who’ve had an NDE find support and connect with other experiencers. We also aim to help advance the scientific research of this extraordinary field of study, by sharing the reports of the NDE community and providing useful research and educational tools.

For more information regarding near-death experiences, please be sure to check out out NDE Support, NDE Research, and Education pages. You’ll find plenty of useful information regarding NDEs and our ongoing efforts to research and understand them throughout IANDS.org.