Interest amongst healthcare professionals regarding near-death experiences (NDEs) has been growing rapidly in recent years. And now, nurses and other healthcare providers can benefit from their curiosity by earning 21 continuing education contact hours through an accredited training opportunity offered by IANDS. These CE contact hours that can make a huge difference in the lives of your patients.
This unique offering provides an in-depth, research-backed exploration of near-death experiences. Additionally, it can help patient care professionals, clinicians, therapists, and others better understand and serve the needs of patients who’ve experienced NDEs and similar spiritually transformative events.
Transformative Care for NDE Patients

Of course, healthcare providers learn a great deal about preventing death. And they typically learn quite a bit about helping patients and their families cope with grief. But what happens when they encounter a patient that just went through a near-death experience?
Healthcare professionals may not fully understand the near-death experience of their patient. They may tune it out, write it off, or otherwise approach the topic with unhealthy skepticism.
But NDEs are no longer considered fringe topics—these are widely documented phenomena with insurmountable evidence and rapidly growing research support. Once healthcare providers realize this, they’ll approach these patients with an entirely different mindset. And that can make a world of difference for a patient who just went through an NDE of their own.
And that’s why these CE contact hours are so important. Near-death experiences are highly transformative events. They can change the entire worldly perspective of a patient, impacting their personal relationships, their world views, and more. With these CE contact hours, healthcare providers can help these patients understand their NDE with clarity and objectivity.
Earn 21 CE Contact Hours in this Unique, Eye-Opening Learning Program
The 21 CE contact hours you can earn here have approval from the American Holistic Nurses Association, an organization with ANCC accreditation. This is a formal continuing professional development activity for nurses and other healthcare providers.
This specialized, research-based education offers training in practical care approaches you won’t find anywhere else. All while fulfilling your requirements for CE contact hours with fascinating and refreshing subject matter. Here’s how to enroll:
- Click here to see the complete list of sessions approved for continuing education credits.
- IANDS members pay $79 for the learning materials, while non-members pay $99. Join IANDS today to gain access to all of our exciting members-only discounts and benefits
- Click here to enroll in our CE contact hours course