Founded in 1981 by leading researchers, the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) provides research, information and education about near-death experiences and related subjects. We also support those who have had near-death experiences and those who care about them. We are the only membership group devoted to this field in the world. And we invite you to join us in exploring the extraordinary.
Mission, Vision and Purpose
Our Mission is to advance global understanding of near-death experiences and related phenomena through research, education, and supportive communities and resources.
Our Vision is a world in which near-death experiences and related phenomena are widely recognized as valid and profound experiences that inspire and create lasting positive change.
Our Purpose is to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for beliefs about life, death, and human purpose. When no reasonably clear position exists on the origin or interpretation of these experiences, we remain impartial and open to the presentation of varying points of view. While all personal beliefs are respected, IANDS never supports proselytizing.
We invite you to join today to become a part of our mission and keep up to date on what is known about this fascinating subject.
The History of IANDS
Originally founded in 1978 in Oxford, Ohio, as the Association for the Scientific Study of Near-Death Phenomena, IANDS became the International Association for Near-Death Studies in 1981. IANDS was founded by five physicians and researchers working in what was then an emerging field: John Audette, MS; Bruce Greyson, MD; Raymond Moody, MD; Ken Ring, PhD.; and Michael Sabom, MD.
Throughout its history, IANDS has focused its resources on providing the highest quality information available about NDE-related subjects. It is the only membership group of its kind in the world. IANDS’ purpose is to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for beliefs about life, death, and human purpose. Whatever the viewpoint, IANDS never supports proselytizing.
In addition to maintaining this information-rich website, IANDS publishes the peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of Near Death Studies three times a year; a member magazine called Vital Signs; sponsors conferences and other programs; provides professional, continuing education those in the healthcare field; works with the media; and encourages the formation of regional discussion and support groups. IANDs also publishes an indexed bibliography to the periodical literature on near-death and near-death like experiences.
We Serve a Board Range of People
- Experiencers: People who have had a near-death or similar experience
- Veterans: Veterans who have had near-death experiences and those who have witnessed death and are searching
- Researchers: People who are interested in the objective academic or clinical study of near-death experiences and/or near-death-like experiences
- Health care professionals: People who care for experiencers’ physical and mental health
- People close to experiencers: Family and friends of persons who have had an NDE
- Educators: People who teach about near-death and near-death-like experiences
- Interested other people: People with terminal illness, those in grief, and the general public
IANDS Programs and Activities
- IANDS provides reliable information to caregivers, experiencers, and the public by publication of the approximately quarterly magazine Vital Signs; maintaining this active and growing website; working with media around the world; sponsoring periodic North American conferences, continuing education programs, and other programs; offering a speaker’s bureau; and producing a wide variety of educational materials.
- IANDS encourages interest in research and professional applications through publication of the three-times-a-year Journal of Near-Death Studies, management of a program of small grants to encourage scholarly research, creation of an NDE Research Fund, sponsorship of conferences and other programs, work with media representatives around the world, and publication of an indexed bibliography to the periodical literature on near-death and near-death like experiences.
- IANDS facilitates support. Near-death and similar experiences can raise deeply troubling questions for many experiencers. Aftereffects of the NDE can be disturbing to the experiencers as well as to their families, friends, and caregivers. To meet these needs, support and interest groups have developed across North America and around the world.
Tax Exempt Status
IANDS is classified by Internal Revenue Service Section as a 501(c)(3).
IRS Determination Letter
IRS Group Exemption Letter for affiliated groups
Our EIN is: 06-1050150