
NDE research involves the science behind near-death experiences. And with interest in near-death experiences (NDEs) growing significantly in recent years, many people are intrigued to learn how much NDE research has been peer-reviewed and published, dating all the way back to the late 1800s. 

Supporting ongoing research into near-death experiences and related phenomena is an essential part IANDS’ mission—and a key reason why leading researchers founded our organization.

As part of our commitment to the research field, IANDS publishes its own Journal of NearDeath Experiences three times a year. 

We also sponsor an annual online symposium, provide research updates during our annual conference, and maintain a listing of select, peer-reviewed research and an Index of Periodical Literature dating from 1877 to 2011.

Support for Researchers

IANDS’ policy is to support well-designed research studies. We help researchers by distributing requests for participants and survey responses to our IANDS Groups located in the US and around the globe.  We also provide qualified researchers access to the IANDS database of near-death experience accounts—the Experience Registry.

If you would like to request support from IANDS, please take up to two pages to complete this form, and return it, along with any attachments, to

Graduate Student Research Award Competition

Graduate students may propose a graduate-level research project on near-death experiences (NDEs) or similar/related experiences, their transformational effects, and other related topics. The award is for a possible total of $1,000, with $500 awarded to the student at the onset of the research project and an additional $500 awarded if the project is published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies.

In its ongoing efforts to support graduate students at universities who are interested in performing research on the nature of NDEs, their transformational effects, the applications of this knowledge to health care and counseling, and other related topics, IANDS is announcing the creation of the IANDS Graduate Student Research Award Competition.

Proposals for a graduate level research project (see details in the proposal instructions, below) are due each year by November 1st, with results of the review of the submissions by December 1st, and the Award start date of January 15th. The award is for a possible total of $1000, with $500 awarded to the student at the onset of the research project and an additional $500 awarded directly to the student if the project is published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies.

Proposal instructions: Length: 12 pages maximum, using 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double spaced.

Include the following sections:

  • Specific aims
  • Background literature review and significance of the research
  • Methods
  • Expected results
  • Possible limitations/obstacles and how you will deal with them
  • References (not included in the 12 page limit)
  • Letter of approval for the study from student’s university Institutional Review Board
  • The focus of research may be near-death experiences or similar/related experiences. For a discussion of what constitutes similar/related experiences, see this page. Although research on similar/related experiences will be considered, research on NDEs may be prioritized.

For further information, email or contact the IANDS Office.