Interest amongst healthcare professionals regarding near-death experiences (NDEs) has been growing rapidly in recent years. And now, nurses and other healthcare providers can benefit from their curiosity by earning 21 continuing education contact hours through an accredited training opportunity offered…
‘Virtual NDE’: Spectacular New IANDS Video Simulates NDEs
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to have a near-death experience (NDE)? If so, the new Virtual NDE video from IANDS offers a breathtaking, first-of-its-kind simulated glimpse into this profound phenomenon. Created in partnership with IANDS by…
NDE Documentaries: See Our List of These Fascinating Films
IANDS has cultivated a list of NDE documentaries, series, and dramatic feature films for your next big movie binge. Find the link to this list here!
Welcome to the New and Improved!
The IANDS website has been significantly overhauled in 2025, and we’re excited to use this powerful tool to help spread NDE support, education, and research!
ESPN Spotlights Amazing NDE Story During Organ Transplant
In a story originally broadcast by ESPN, Richard Bremer shared an incredible NDE story that happened during a life-saving transplant surgery.
A Letter to Actor Al Pacino Following his Comments on Death
After a brush with death, Al Pacino made headlines claiming there’s ‘nothing’ after death. Read IANDS President Jan Holden’s educational response.
IANDS Announces Advisory Board Members
IANDS announced a new Advisory Board comprised of prominent figures in or associated with the field of near-death studies.