I was lying in my bed. Depressed and crying. Probably been there 30 minutes or so, crying and also thinking. it was daytime. Not tired at all. This was not a dream, I'm 100% confident. I think I had a sheet over my head.
I saw a beautiful and very, very bright light above me. It was not on the ceiling...it was closer, about half a foot from my head. It was above me, but I felt part of it.
I had a knowing feeling that the light was God, not only that the light was the purest of loves possible. I felt what I can only describe as a sense of peace and unconditional very strong love.
it was beautiful. I didn't want that feeling to end. I wanted to stay wrapped within it forever.
It lasted a few seconds and dispersed. I have never told anyone about this experience. Ever. I'm unsure why really. I was young, age 20. I think it may have happened to help guide me out of the depression I felt.