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23 Understanding NDE's and their After Effects: Learning from...


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Understanding NDE's and their After Effects: Learning from the Kundalini and Chakra Model
Yvonne Kason, M.D.

Dr. Kason will explore the historical and current research evidence that suggests that the awakening of latent spiritual energy may be the basis of NDEs. This spiritual energy is known in various sacred traditions as Holy Spirit, Vital Winds, Chi, Mana, and in the yogic tradition, as Kundalini. Examples of ancient knowledge of the relationship between activation of spiritual energy and NDEs will be shown from esoteric practices of ancient Egypt, the Buddhist Tibetan Book of the Dead, and from ancient secret Yogic practices. Drawing from the yogic model of kundalini and the chakras, Dr. Kason will show how this model can account for the spectrum of types of NDEs experienced by persons today, from the more common out-of body NDE, to the intensely transformative white light NDE. She will describe how the yogic model can help experiencers understand and cope with the physical symptoms, the psychological upheavals, and the long term spiritual transformation which can all be after-effects of NDEs.

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