A friend of mine mentioned that you might be interested in some information that I have obtained during and after a near-death experience. As it is with most people who have had near-death experiences, I traveled through a tunnel. I actually went into the light that is mentioned, and found myself standing in environment that was solid-state plasma form nuclear energy. I am calling it solid-state plasma form because it was as pure consciousness with fluid integrity. The environment was in varying colors of green. I witnessed that our universe is actually encompassed within a physical body. It is as the human torso, without arms legs and a head. As soon as I perceived this body, I was absorbed back into it. I have come to realize that the solid-state plasma form energy that I was immersed in is transmuted through the flesh of the physical body that I mentioned, it is then injected into our universe through quasars. So now I know why quasars have no core.

Many new and strange things have been happening to me since this occurrence. One of the most amazing things is my new found understanding of the English language. I have found that the English language is a development, and that there are several codes integrated into it. One of the codes is called "Acronym," which is the acronym for "A Code Revealing Our Natural Yearning Mind." One of the other codes is called "Alphabet," which is the acronym for, "A Learning Principle Helping Anyone Better Employ Thought." I have yet to find a word that is not utilized for the purpose of revealing alternative information that is meant to purvey what is called the "Truth," which is the acronym for, "The Real Untold Temporal History." These codes that have been revealed to me actually correlate modern scientific terminology with terms that are used in the Bible. Such as, "Sin = Serve Ignorant Nature," and then the word, "Ignorant is the acronym for, Instant Gratification Narrates Our Reactions, A Natural Tendency."
When you consider the fact that the nucleus of every atom that makes up our physical bodies is a particle of light, I have come to realize that since my near-death experience, I have had a direct interface with that light. It has been my experience that the light now communicates with me through various sensations and compelling notions. I was recently awarded an "Honorary Doctorate of Metaphysical Science" for the information that I have obtained after having had my near-death experience and several subsequent out-of-body experiences. I have developed several videos.