I had brought a visiting cardiologist to give a lecture at a prominent hospital and we were assembled in a conference hall and he began to give his lecture. I started to feel funny and thought perhaps I was dehydrated and went to the back and retrieved a bottle of water. I began to get worried as black spots were forming across my eyes.

I hurried back to my seat on the side and sat down. I no sooner sat down when I blacked out. Suddenly, I was somewhere else and, in that space, were others silently standing as if behind a veil. I did not feel threatened at all and to this day I feel no fear of the afterlife. I remember the vibe being benign but nothing was uttered.

In a flash, I was alone and I said aloud, "I must be dreaming." I distinctly heard myself speaking and then I was awake. As you can imagine, there was a crowd of caregivers around me asking what happened. I said it must be the Flomax my doctor has put me on and someone said that response was in the literature. It was then that the cardiologist told me, "Dick, you had no pulse." 

I was sent to the ER where all vital signs checked out and I was released within hours to go home. Since this experience, I have been very comfortable with the thought of death and the afterlife, as I felt those beings had come to welcome me.