I haven’t shared this before and it’s been more than decade since it happened. It was a normal evening. I went to bed as per normal around 11pm. I was and am a happy, mostly well-adjusted individual. And I fell asleep.

My first awareness of the experience began in a place that I could only describe as a garden planet, with a dull light that emanated from above, but from no specific point. It could be described as resembling an overcast day. Trees, rocks, everything seemed to strain toward the light. I consciously acknowledged that even these seemingly inanimate objects appeared to be joyfully celebrating, praising God. That’s when I recognized that the light was a manifestation of God the Father, sustaining everything, and everything gave thanks.

I could look around and see a long distance through this world. There were orbs of light with tails, whom I recognized to have individual consciousnesses. Some of the orbs I recognized as people I had known; most of the orbs I did not know. Some of the people were verifiably still alive at the time. They, we, I floated freely and twirled and danced around each other. Our tails would wrap around each other and float on. “Danced” is specifically the word I would choose. It was a joyful experience. I am not aware of any of the orbs recognizing me.

At some point I was made aware that I had passed on. A disembodied voice communicated directly with my consciousness. It spoke fast, like it was imbuing me with something. I saw the brief consequence of being found dead in bed during a wellness check by a friend. I felt their despair and I chose to come back. Not so much specifically because of their despair, but more so because I felt ready and prepared to carry a larger burden or purpose than I had ever imagined, that would be placed upon me. I grasped how fleeting life is and what awaits me. I’m still confident that what was spoken into my consciousness remains there, at a subconscious level. It will be recalled when it is needed. 

When I had made the decision to return, everything went black and I felt a distinctly vibratory resonance. When I became aware of the vibration, I recognized that it began very, very fast and was gradually slowing. It slowed to the point of being almost imperceptible.

And that’s when I felt a jolt. Like I had fallen back into my body. I sat straight up in bed. Wide awake. It was still very, very early in the morning, 3 or 4am. I recognized what had happened to me right away. I am still conscious of this slow, imperceptible vibratory state we exist in. It’s similar to how the molecules of an ice cube still have latent heat that makes them vibrate, just much more slowly than water or steam. And this is the constitution of time, our temporal existence. The energy behind this imperceivable vibration. How it relates to the flesh, and how our flesh interfaces with this energy, is a mystery to me, but I still think about it a lot.

I distinctly recall that I was told there are creators and destroyers in this realm. And that the destroyers are after the knowledge that was spoken to me in order to use it for destructive purposes. I was told not to share any of it with anyone. That I had no way to discern which beings were which. I’ve since relaxed this view a little. Perhaps to my own detriment. My understanding at the time was: do not even share the experience of my visit. I don’t know what this knowledge or information is or if it will even be rendered. I don’t know what exactly was imbued to me, nor how to recognize it. So I don’t know what I’m not supposed to share. It couldn’t be a vow of silence, could it? Maybe I’ve done something in the meantime that has qualified me as no longer viable to carry out whatever I had been tasked with.