In 2020, I woke up from a horrible dream. I had a dream that I had cancer of the uterus and that it was going to be fatal. In the dream I had the sensation that I was not "myself." The doctor had looked at me and said that we were "going to have to remove all of it." ("All of it" meaning a full hysterectomy. I did not know that word at the time, so it was brought to me in terms I understood.) I remember waking from the dream with this sense of deep dread. I knew something was wrong, but yet, it wasn’t for me. It was for someone else.

Flash forward to September. (The dream happened in August.) We get a phone call to the house. My mom answers. It's her sister. (My mother has 3 sisters. All of which were, at the time, in NO contact with each other for over 10 years after their father died.) We had not heard from this particular sister, let’s call her "P," at all during that time. She called to let us know that "J," my mother's other sister, had fallen ill, and was taken to the hospital. She was diagnosed with cancer and needed a full hysterectomy in order for a chance to survive. J had thankfully been found by her neighbor, passed out outside her townhome back in August, and the test results had come back positive for cancer. Immediately, all past hate and tension between the sisters lifted. We were in the mode of "Ok. This is serious. It’s time to come together." All the while I had this sinking feeling in my chest. I knew the dream I had wasn’t just a dream. It was a prediction.

Over the next 2 years, I got several dreams detailing J's eventual downward spiral of her health. I was given glimpses of how she would pass, who would be around, and when. In December of 2022, I had one final dream. It went as follows:

I am standing in the spare bedroom of our house. J is sitting in the bed she always slept in when she visited. She looked beautiful. Her hair was completely grown back, she looked out of pain, and even younger than she was. I helped her out of bed and we began to walk down a long hallway in my house. She held my hand, stopped halfway down the long white hallway, turned to me and said, "Katie, I love you so much." I said I loved her too and continued to gently walk her down the hall to my parents’ room, which was just a room of light.

I woke up, and I instantly knew what happened. She was gone. Lo and behold, that same day we were told that J was now unconscious and was no longer going to be waking up. It was time. A few hours later, her body passed on.

This is not the first time I have had these 'dreams.' Every time I have them, I wake up with a feeling of knowing that it was "real." I’ve had dreams that predicted other things as well, such as friends having mental breakdowns.

Since these dreams, I have come to realize that there is so much more to life than just what we see. What we deem as 'silly dreams' can actually be glimpses into the world of spirit. Things such as imagination may be just as real as this waking life, we just don’t see it that way. I also am in communication with spirits on a near daily basis. When I listen to them, my life gets put on a track that otherwise I would have missed. I am extremely happy where I am now, and it’s all thanks to the guidance of spirit.