I was sitting in a concert when I suddenly, in the blink of an eye, felt myself separating from my body. The event felt like when swimming and rising out of the water – my body, and everything associated with it (name, identity, persona, memories, limitations), flowed away from me in the moment of separation and were left behind. 

All that was left was a pure state of existence and a sense of awareness, though I was also simultaneously conscious that I was sitting in the audience – I was in two spaces at the same time. There, in that space outside my body, I felt an indescribably profound and real Love, Peace and Safety, having returned Home. All the anxiety was gone, all the fears were gone. Before returning to my body, which occurred as a leakage in the twinkling of an eye, I watched how the entire hall was filled with Light, Bright White Light, which was the equivalent of the Love that utterly inhabited that space. (Looking is a misleading term, as I had no physical eyes to look with in that space, rather one could speak of the appearance of Light in the hall).

The immediate feeling after the experience was one of confusion and peace, happiness, joy and a sense of levity and weightlessness. A few months later, I sensed the immense love transmitted from a loved one, from her essence, into my body as we walked together, the same Love I was in the midst of in the out-of-body realm, and the experience was so indescribably intense, so real and so bewilderingly healing, that I wept. And this happened twice, not just once. 

I also experienced the communication of my grandfather's spirit about three months after this – he had passed away more than two years earlier (so the event no longer fell within the mourning period). It was not a voice or even a thought, but a telepathic insight, a knowledge that came from outside my perception of my personality, with the same emphasis and tone as if it had been spoken aloud to me by my grandfather's mouth. He communicated two messages to me: "Love is what everything is about" and "Everyone is to be loved (or is lovable) just for being."

All these experiences have permanently and completely changed the way I look at death and how I think about consciousness: death does not exist, it is an illusion, and consciousness, spirit, continues to exist even when the physical body ceases to function, decays and perishes. So there is no need to fear death; there is nothing to be afraid of.