Lopez, U., Forster, A., Annoni, J. M., Habre, W., & Iselin-Chaves, I. A. (2006). Near-death experience in a boy undergoing uneventful elective surgery under general anesthesia Pediatric Anesthesia, 16() 85-88.
Abstract: Near-death experience (NDE) is a complex subjective experience, which may include affective elements such as a sense of peacefulness, paranormal components such as a sensation of floating out of the body, and a perception of being in a dark tunnel and seeing a brilliant light. It is usually reported to occur in association with a wide range of life-threatening situations, as for instance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We report on an episode of NDE that occurred in a 12-year-old boy who underwent a general anesthesia for an elective uncomplicated surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first case of NDE in a child that has been reported in this context.
Accounts of NDEs—Autobiographical
Accounts of NDEs—Biographical, Cases
Characteristics of NDErs—Age, Children-Adolescents
Characteristics of NDErs—Gender
Characteristics of NDErs NOS
Characteristics of NDEs—Autoscopy, Out-of-Body
Characteristics of NDEs—Emotions, Distressing
Characteristics of NDEs—Emotions, Pleasurable
Characteristics of NDEs—Light, Mystical
Characteristics of NDEs—Sensory, Sound, Hearing
Characteristics of NDEs—Sensory, Sound NOS
Characteristics of NDEs—Tunnel Experiences
Characteristics of NDEs NOS
Circumstances of NDEs—Hospital
Disclosure of NDEs
Explanations of NDEs—Physiological, Neurological, Brain
Explanations of NDEs—Physiological NOS
Methodology in NDE Research
Psychopathology and NDEs—Hallucinations
Psychopharmacology and NDEs—Anesthesia