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Neil Helm - NDE Effects On Religious Spiritual Beliefs
Price: $7.95

NDE Effects On Religious And Spiritual Beliefs Doctoral dissertation on NDE Effects on Religious and Spiritual Beliefs is approaching completion details

NIB/Voices: Healthcare After an NDE

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NIB/Voices: Healthcare After an NDE
Price: $5.90

NIB/Voices: Healthcare After a Near-Death Experience In the winter of 2020, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research (NIB; details

Nicole Gruel - 8 Transcendent Gifts From NDEs/Other Experiences
Price: $7.95

8 Transcendent Gifts Arising From NDEs And Other NOTEs (Non-Ordinary Transcendent Experiences) This presentation shares experiencer stories details

Nina Shoroplova - Writing Our Story Helps Process Our NDE
Price: $7.95

Writing Our Story Helps Us Process Our NDEs / STEs Through Curiosity, Courage, and Communication we can prepare for our Life Review and help details

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Panel - Dealing With Skepticism About NDEs
Price: $10.95

Dealing With Skepticism About NDEs - Alexander, Schwartz, Grossman, & Woollacott Near-death and other transpersonal experiencers, details

Panel - Living with a NDEr: Helen Folsom & Anastasia Hernandez
Price: $7.95

Living With A Near-Death Experiencer Panel Helen Folsom:  A Near Death event touches more than just the person who experiences it. The ripples details


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Panel: Healing Perspective on Dying Alone
Price: $14.95

Panel: Healing Perspective on Dying Alone Maggie Callanan: RN with 25 years “hands on” experience in the care of the dying in details

Paul Aurand - Remembering the Gifts, Integrating the Experiences
Price: $7.95

Remembering The Gifts And Integrating The Experience - NDE Regression Standing in the street, on a sunny day in July 1998, I was struck by details

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Peter Anthony - Back In A Minute
Price: $7.50

Back In A Minute Many NDE’S come back with profound experiences that alter their personal and professional lives. Peter Anthony is details

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Peter Panagore - Stranger Living In A Strange Land
Price: $10.95

A Stranger Living In A Strange Land: A Secret Inner Life My presentation begins with a six-minute descriptive poetry reading over twenty slides details

Copyright © 2024 International Association for Near-Death Studies. • 2741 Campus Walk Avenue, Building 500, Durham, NC 27705-8878, USA • Tel: 919-383-7940