The Scientific Analysis of Light in the NDE - Are God and Light the Same?
T. Lee Baumann
This presentation begins by discussing the extraordinary feature of light in the NDE. Examples of NDEs are examined, including those from the current literature and ancient texts. The basic physical properties of light waves are reviewed. We witness the verification of Einstein's special theory of relativity, which confirms that time stops at light speed. The ramifications of this concept are profound-indicating that a light wave can be everywhere in the Universe at once. Any entity with this capability also possesses omniscience (i.e., existing everywhere in the past, present, and future concurrently) and omnipotence. Scientific experiments, as well as quotes from world-renowned physicists and Nobel Prize winners, support these findings. All of these qualities, over the centuries, have also been used to describe God. The case is made that God and Light may well be same.
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