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F4 Truth as a Paradox Putting NDEs in Context


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Truth as a Paradox Putting NDEs in Context
B. Grant Bishop, M.D.

NDErs reveal a mystery. While having their NDEs, NDErs are everywhere, connected to the entire cosmos, yet they remain as individuals in one place. They transcend time while having their NDEs but are tied to time when they return to life. NDEs are not the only phenomenon that reveals the paradox of man and the cosmos being interconnected, transcending time while also being in place and in time. Eastern philosophy, Christian theology, meditation and quantum physics all support the dual nature of man and his environment. NDEs are one book in the library of life that helps us understand not only our true nature, but the dichotomous nature of the cosmos in which we live. Historically, truth has been seen as a paradox. I propose that NDEs are one of several phenomena that are accelerating spiritual consciousness in the world, rushing us toward Omega.

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