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Panel - Living with a NDEr: Helen Folsom & Anastasia Hernandez


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Living With A Near-Death Experiencer Panel

Helen Folsom: A Near Death event touches more than just the person who experiences it. The ripples move outward, touching family, friends, loved ones, even strangers. The gifts received by NDEers also expand and profoundly change lives. For the past 8 years I have lived in partnership with an NDEer who has developed a unique gift for healing. I have been touched by that gift, and it seems to have rubbed off on me as well. As we open to the possibility that there are hidden abilities waiting in the wings for us, whether we have had an NDE or not, a new life emerges. Explore your own healing nature in this 1 hour presentation, open up your own gifts, and create the next steps in your mind-bending human journey.

Visit her website

Anastasia Hernandez: Muggles: Living with an NDEer: Life with an NDEer has been for me a journey of great joy and has also come with its own unexpected challenges. After spending more than 11 years as wife and partner to Jose Hernandez, a gifted healer and artist, I have grown in ways I could not have imagined. I had to learn to reestablish my own connection and remember the value of my own path, even as I witness my partner be swept away in profound experiences and support him during deep spiritual ‘lows’. This experience has helped me deepen my own relationship with Creator to the point where I no longer feel like an abandoned toddler left behind as my partner is whisked off in ecstasy in front of my eyes. I can now once again delight in my own relationship with Spirit and find the ‘magic’ and grace in my own gifts and connection.

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