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Allan Botkin, Alma Blazquez - Case Study IADC With An NDEr


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The NDEr’s Path To Wholeness: Case Study Of IADC Technique With NDEr

The NDE/STE awakens the physical senses and develops and evolves deeper senses, such as intuition. In this case, an NDE’r can be shown a Part of their life, during the NDE, that must be “lived out” upon returning to life on Earth, as an intuitive and Healer, Medium or other. The NDE’r can be in immense joy to be alive and has a consciousness that Eternity is our true Home, and Is here in the present, where only Love and Light exists; though divine healing can be continual until the NDE’r allows the full “Yes” to occur. The “Yes” is a conscious decision to live one’s Full Life Energy given to the NDE’s/STE’r. After the Acceptance of All Loving Healing can the miraculous happen: the Gift that the NDEr’s story will help and heal the self and others, and expands the purpose for the Return to Earth. It takes time to process the NDE, and the process can involve protecting the family of cultural origin (externalized ideas of the physical world). The Ultimate Healing is knowing there is nothing to protect, that All is Love and that we are completely Safe to be ourselves. I (Alma) experienced a profound NDE in 2012. Three and a half years later, Fall of 2015, I saw Dr. Allan Botkin in the hope of removing emotional scars left over from early childhood abuse and early childhood NDE before age 5. Meeting PMH Atwater during the 2015 San Antonio IANDS Conference assisted me to finally do the ‘work’ I was shown I needed to do when I was in my 2012 NDE; disclose the early NDE to arrive at authenticity of being to help others. Allan used his Induced After-Death Communication technique on me, and to our mutual surprise, I found myself back with the Light and Love Orb of my NDE, and a very intense healing portal was opened. In our presentation, we shall discuss what we each experienced during this time. Allan’s work and testimony of the portal that was opened has been the reason I am living in the expansion of my NDE. We would love to share this unique experience. We raise, as an open question, whether this technique may be used to help other NDErs revisit their experience and to process their NDE/STE so that our lives can be lived fully in joy for self and others, why we are here (to assist one another).

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