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Colorado NDEr Panel - Miyaki Clawley Grignon


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Colorado Near-Death Experiencer Panel

Joseph Myaki: At the age of 15 I rode a bike to a pickup football game with friends, with no helmet. I got to the game safe and played football with friends. Four days later I woke up from a coma. A friend’s tackle gave me a traumatic brain injury. I went from being a bully to lover. I went from being a content sloth, to taking action in life.

I will present my own NDE experience, where I spent one month in a coma while recovering from the Necrotizing Fasciitis (aka Flesh-eating Bacteria) and use my own experiences, along with other case studies and research to support alternative perspectives of time, which challenge the dominant, Western conception of time as linear. I will include research undertaken while completing my MA in Jungian Psychology, which examines the state of timelessness and non-ordinary reality as accessed through dreams, trauma, and near death experiences. I will also therapeutic value of the experience of timelessness, oneness, and feminist approach to therapy, which emphasizes qualities of receptivity, being, acceptance and a state of not-knowing. I will also examine traditional and Indigenous beliefs and ceremonies that provide both direct experience and a framework for understanding NDEs. Furthermore, I will discuss my own journey and path towards healing, which honors intuition, dreams, and returning to one’s own internal rhythm.

Nancy will be sharing some of her ongoing spiritually transformative experiences that include her near-death at the age of 18 and the life changing 4 hours of missing time that taught her more about the “truth of who she is” this lifetime.

After her near-death she began to have numerous interactions with the divine. Whether she found herself floating out to the edges of infinity as a young child or receiving clear spiritual guidance, Nancy’s life has been continuously molded and transformed by the Source of Creation.

Nancy brings messages of hope and light to people. She also receives divinely inspired information to help people find their calling and divine path this lifetime. She currently works as an intuitive life coach.

IANDS member price $5.50, nonmember price $7.50

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