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Th16 Neil Helm - Did Edgar Cayce Have an NDE?


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Neil Helm - Did Edgar Cayce Have an NDE?

In addition to my own NDE, I have been doing research on others including Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) who is often called America’s greatest psychic, the Sleeping Prophet, a Seer, and is also often credited with being the father of holistic medicine for his many successful remedies he prescribed while in a hypnotic trance. I started in early 2013 to try to find some real evidence of Edgar’s NDE. While reading, A Seer out of Season (Bro, 1989) I found a real aha something! Harmon Bro, a graduate student was working for Edgar in 1944. Edgar, now in ill health, knew Bro was planning to write his Ph.D. dissertation on Edgar’s life, and was providing Bro with some highlights from his earlier years. Bro writes of Edgar: “He told of how he had drowned and been pronounced dead in his youth and how the invisible playmates of his childhood had returned to him once as an adult” (1989, p.426). Edgar was making certain that these important events in his young life were documented for his memoirs. Bro wrote down these discussions, and it is important to follow of the flow of Edgar’s memory—he drowned and his invisible playmates came to him. I believe that Edgar drowned, had an NDE, and probably had his first out-of-body experience, an experience that he would continue to have more than 14,000 additional times. The invisible playmates, a visit from an angel, and the multitude of gifts that Edgar received from God, such as the ability to put himself in a trance and receive information from the Book of Knowledge flowed to him and were, I believe, the results of his spiritual development, first made possible by his NDE, happening around the age of five–similar to mine.

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