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Th09 Loseu and Holden - Thinking Right About Passage Tunnels


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Sahar Loseu and Jan Holden - Thinking Right About Passage Tunnels in NDEs: A Case Study

Since 1975 when Raymond Moody published his influential work on near-death experiences (NDEs), controversy has existed among researchers regarding the source of the experiences. Some researchers have attributed various NDE features to physiological changes in the human body; one such feature that many experiencers have reported is rapid movement through a tunnel toward a light. Although experiencers themselves and some researchers have disagreed with physiological explanations, limited evidence has existed to contribute to a resolution of the dispute. In this article, we present a case study of an adult Caucasian male who experienced gravity induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC) as a World War II pilot and two subsequent transpersonal experiences—an NDE and an after-death communication—all of which included a tunnel-and-light feature. His ability to compare the qualia of the tunnel and light in each of these three experiences provides unique evidence in the debate about the nature and likely source of this experiential feature. His testimony places more weight on the argument that the tunnel and light in transpersonal experiences cannot reasonably be attributed to loss of oxygen in the brain.

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