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Sa05 PMH Atwater - Markers: NDEs in Very Young Children


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PMH AtwaterP.M.H. Atwater - Markers: How to recognize very young children who may have had a near-death experience

Although the near-death phenomenon is usually tossed aside by parents as so much nonsense, there’s no denying the aftereffects, which can include changes in brain patterning and nerve response, as well as having a more abstract concept of the world and of God. This tends to set them apart from siblings and other kids. Child experiencers are unable to “connect the dots” between their otherworldly episode and why they feel as they do. It’s as if they bond to the Other Side, not this one. Learning about near-death experiences and what is typical for children can be a lifesaver not only for families, but for the kids themselves. There are markers, general guidelines, to use that may prove helpful in identifying and working with such children. Visit her web site

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