Moderator: Bruce Horacek - Panel: What is Found Through Loss?
Frank Huguenard - Overcoming grief through meditation
I lost my loved one 12 years ago to breast cancer. This occurred simultaneously with the end of my high tech career in silicon valley as well as other areas in my life. To work through my grief and to understand that there is something beyond our everyday experience, I began researching spirituality and meditating daily. As a result of this, I've made three documentary films on spirituality which can be seen on my website,
Irene Kendig - What did you experience when you released your last breath on Earth?
There is no death. When we transition, we shift our energy from the physical body to the spirited body and beyond. Transitioning is a refocusing of our energy. When a loved one transitions' our relationship with them changes, but it doesn't end; the love we share continues to connect us. We can choose to evolve in consciousness by identifying and releasing outdated beliefs and misconceptions that cause us to suffer unnecessarily when We are grieving. Conversations with Jerry and Other People l Thought Were Dead: Seven compelling dialogues that will transform the way you think about dying. . . and living offers insights and practices that support those experiencing grief and loss. Reading excerpts and discussing how my own life has transformed as a result of what l've learned will inform and inspire participants. Providing an opportunity for participants to release regret will facilitate peace.
Bruce Horacek - The Healing Power of Shared-Dying and After-Death Communication Experiences
Dr. Horacek was a professor for over 40 years, 34 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha where he was a teacher and administrator in the Gerontology Department focusing his research, teaching, and writing on dying, death, and grieving including near-death experiences. He remains on the faculty as a professor emeritus. He has over 40 publications and 100s of presentations, many on NDEs. He is an IANDS president emeritus and continues as a consulting editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. As a grieving father his talk will focus on shared-dying and after-death communication experiences as they help one to adapt to the loss of a significant other.
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