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S6 Shamans, Hallucinogens and the NDE


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Shamans, Hallucinogens and the NDE
Richard Sandore, M.D.

Dr. Sandore will discuss how native peoples have used medicinal plants from time immemorial to induce visions, to heal, and to explore the territory of consciousness we call death. Ayahuasca, a jungle vine whose name means "Vine of the Soul" or "Vine of Death", is used by shamans to "take one to death and back." Some say that once the threshold of death is explored and the fear of death relinquished, we are truly free to be claimed by life. The art of many regions of the Amazon basin has been influenced by visions induced through a journey with Grandmother Ayahuasca.

Richard Sandore is a Western-trained physician who practiced obstetrics and gynecology for nine years. During that time he began working with native healers in South America. Their encompassing worldview and concepts of healing changed his life. Dr. Sandore is now a recognized expert in the field of complementary healing, with a healing practice north of Chicago. He lectures, teaches, and leads groups to work with spiritual healers in South America, and has been the featured speaker at numerous conferences, including the Whole Life Expo and the National Wellness Conference. He also is a regular speaker at midwestern colleges, including Illinois Wesleyan University, and is the author of Living the Steps to Vibrancy and numerous other works. Currently Dr Sandore spends the majority of his time working with spiritual seekers who desire intensive, in-depth training. He also is in the process of writing his fourth novel.

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