It was September 6, 2007, I left choir rehearsal for a long drive home. I had worked a 10-hour day, and was glad to go home. While driving down the avenue east, traffic was traveling at a normal pace. All of a sudden, I heard a loud crash. I looked around to see the crash, who and where it was. I didn't realize it was me until I tried to move my left arm unsuccessfully. A van had hit my car.

I could hear people saying, "It's a lady in the car and she's dead." I could hear them, but I couldn't move. I began to drift and realize I was not inside of my body. That's when I started having a conversation with God. I said, "God my husband left here like this. Is this it for me? What about my daughter?" He didn't answer me. Then I began to drift more and realize I was looking at my body while sitting on the dashboard of my vehicle. I could see everything that was going on, but I had no strength or ability to control anything. I asked again, "Is this it for me? What about my job?" Then I started feeling a wonderful sensation. I was floating and it was good. That's when God said, "No! You have purpose." I immediately shifted back into my body. Then God said, "Lift up your head!" I didn't want to tell him that I couldn't, but I thought it.
The next thing I know hands from behind me reach up, touch the top of my head and chin, and place my head up in a forward position. Two firemen stood at my doors and said, "Ma'am we're going to have you out of there in a few minutes." All I can remember saying to them repeatedly: God is in the car with me. It was the most incredible presence one could ever experience.