IANDS 2014 ConferenceMarriott Hotel & Spa
Newport Beach, California
August 28-31, 2014
Registration is now open!

Workshops at the Conference (workshops are priced separately)
Virginia HummelOrbs: Hope, Healing and Grief Transformation
Kay FahlstromActivate Your Mediumship Skills: Gain Tools to Connect with the Other Side
Rebecca Valla What NDEs Teach us About How to Live in "Wholeness" and Joy
Roberta Moore Getting the Word Out About NDEs(Free)
Heidi McClure Sacred Geometry Dance: Creating a Vortex to Open to the Divine
Krista Gorman Lessons In Love: Twelve Principles For Living
Sheryl Hill Sound Mind – From Stigma to Sigma
Robert Schwartz Past Life Soul Regression
Nancy Clark, Ph.D. How to Contact Spirits of Loved Ones using the scrying mirror

Thursday Workshops (August 28)

Virginia Hummel• Thursday, August 28, 2:45-5:00 PM: Workshop with Virginia Hummel"Orbs: Hope, Healing and Grief Transformation" ($40 early, $45 regular) Discover the latest revelation of After Death Communication. Brilliant balls of light or “orbs” are appearing with startling regularity in photographs and video around the world, as well as to the naked eye. Photographic evidence of orbs with human faces, along with an ability to appear upon request, present a strong argument that orbs can be a manifestation of our soul or consciousness energy. A simple digital camera gives us an amazingly effective tool with which to visually communicate with loved ones. During this workshop learn simple techniques to raise your vibration (a key to interact with orbs), increase your spiritual experiences and begin healing your grief. Discover the best tips to capture great orb video and photographs! Eben Alexander declares: “Orbs are the most readily accessible phenomena of the spiritual realm."More about Virginia Hummel.

Kay Fahlstrom Thursday, August 28, 2:45-5:00 PM: Workshop with Kay Fahlstrom"Activate Your Mediumship Skills: Gain Tools to Connect with the Other Side" ($40 early, $45 regular). Introduction to Mediumship Skills: Learn tools to connect with the other side. Curious about how mediums “hear” from spirits who have crossed over? Beginners, intermediate, or advanced are all welcome to join us and learn many helpful tips and tools to increase intuitive skills, such as which extra-sensory perception you more naturally use clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. Try it out with an actual person in spirit in an easy exercise. Gain specific tools to ground and protect yourself before opening to the spirit world, work with your helpful spirit guides, create and use sacred space to build mediumship energy, and much more! A fun and interactive workshop that has a balance of information and enjoyable exercises. Both assist you in opening your awareness to tap into the other side. More about Kay Fahlstrom.

Rebecca Valla• Thursday, August 28, 2:45-5:00 PM: Workshop with Rebecca Valla"What NDEs teach us about How to Live in “Wholeness” and Joy" ($40 early, $45 regular) My workshop will be relevant to mental health therapists, body workers, or interested people who are not “healers” by occupation. The main theme is self-love, and that means being in alignment with what is in our “highest and best good”. The mystery of this truth, is that when we’re aligned in this way, it is not only best for each of us - that is, conducive to health, joy, and accessing our best selves, but it is “best” for all others to whom we are connected. This is what it is to come into “right relationship” with our higher selves; with our “soul selves”. More about Rebecca Valla.

Roberta Moore• Thursday, August 28, 2:45-5:00 PM: Workshop with Roberta Moore"Getting the Word Out About NDEs"(FREE) In spite of the vast literature and media coverage of NDEs, there is still a lack of understanding among some medical professionals and the general public. An NDE is a patient event that has received little attention in medical circles possibly because of the absence of informational training materials. This free workshop presents a groundbreaking video and other materials which can be used to train caregivers and inform general audiences. The video, Near-Death Experience, What Medical Professionals Need to Know, presents interviews with doctors, NDE researchers, and near-death experiencers. It shifts the emphasis to patient care with NDEs presented as natural experiences, which must be treated in the larger context of patient needs. Rather than focusing on the mystery of the near-death experience, the video focuses on NDEs’ impact on patient healing. In addition, it provides a protocol for professionals dealing with near-death experiencers. The video has been well received in hospitals, colleges, community education centers, churches, and other similar settings. The video is available for individuals as a single DVD and as part of a Training Package for institutions such as hospitals, hospice, medical schools and nursing programs. For the trailer and more information see www.iands.org/video.

Friday Workshops (August 29)

RajivParti2Friday, August 29, 4:00-6:00 PM: Workshop with Rajiv Parti, MD"Dying to Wake Up: Seeking Eternal Truths"($35 early, $40 regular) In this workshop, Rajiv Parti, MD, will reveal seven truths about the afterlife, revealed to him from his own NDE experience, that have led to an astounding transformation in his own life. They are: (1) Consciousness exists outside of the body, (2) There is life after death, (3) We have past lives and our experiences therein can shape our current realities, (4) We are all connected to each other because we are all made of the one and same energy that manifests as differentiated matter, (5) Divine beings exist to help and guide us, (6) There are different levels of consciousness, and (7) There is one, all-pervading, supreme love and intelligence that is the source of the entire universe, and that love is the supreme source of creation. More about Rajiv Parti.

EmilianoCampobello2Friday, August 29, 4:00-6:00 PM: Workshop with Emiliano Campobello"The Transcendent Music of the Sacred Flute" ($35 early, $40 regular)This will be a Sound Healing workshop/journey where participants will be guided through a meditation experience in which I will use Native American and other indigenous flutes. Spoken word will also be used to help them connect with deeper aspects of their psyche. The combination of words and sacred music and energy vibrations will allow them to access information and emotions that lies beneath the surface of normal consciousness. The shamanic music will incorporate pauses during which participants will write or draw to record their experiences and to assist in processing their experience through the act of active reflection. More about Emiliano.

Nancy Clark• Friday, August 29, 4:00-6:30 PM: Workshop with Nancy Clark, Ph.D. -"How to Contact Spirits of Love Ones (using the scrying mirror)"($50 early, $60 regular) What a huge sense of relief it would be if those left behind were given tools to help them contact those who had passed on! Perhaps the greatest advantage would be that those left behind would no longer fear their own death. Children who lost parents at an early age would know that they are still with them. People who did not get to have that final conversation would realize that they still could. Those who passed from suicide could express why it happened and that their closest loved one should not feel guilty. Beloved animals are still nearby and healthy. The technique of scrying with a mirror will be introduced that may help participants to be in contact with those on the other side.
Scrying mirrorParticipants will need to have a black scrying mirror with a stand, either one that they bring or they may order one for purchase from the Conference Bookstore (about $30). Please place your order when you sign up for this workshop, before August 15; a limited number of additional mirrors will be available in the Bookstore during the Conference. More about Nancy Clark.

LuisMinero• Friday, August 29, 4:00-6:00 PM: Workshop with Luis Minero" Bioenergy Workshop" ($35 early, $40 regular) The Bioenergy Workout is a fun yet informative 2-hour practical workshop during which students perform a series of diverse bioenergetic (chi, prana, subtle energy) exercises intended to help them develop their energetic capacities. Mastering our personal energies is one of the keys to maintaining equilibrium, becoming more self-aware, identifying and overcoming emotional imbalances, maintaining psychic self-defense, increasing our self-awareness and self-knowledge, unlocking our potential, and developing our psychic ability. During the workout, the facilitator will first guide students through a series of foundational exercises, gradually layering on more complex ones as the class progresses. Students learn to exteriorize, absorb, control, donate and use energies using one’s will, for unblocking and healing one’s self. They will also apply techniques to develop their sensitivity and perceptions, including a clairvoyance exercise. The techniques practiced help students learn to revitalize their own energetic field, protect themselves energetically, identify external energetic influences, and increase their self-awareness about their energetic condition. Additionally the approach taken in the workshop is a scientific and clear one, devoid of unnecessary mysticism and obfuscation when approaching the topic of bioenergy and its use in personal and spiritual development. After each series of exercises participants will have the opportunity to share feedback with the rest of the workshop participants and compare and contrast perceptions and sensations experienced as a result of the exercises. Practical examples will be given in the workshop of how they techniques can be used in commons situations we find ourselves encountering in our daily lives. This workshop brings one closer to experiencing the energetic and multidimensional reality reported by those who have had experienced near-death experiences and other psychic and spiritual experiences. This workshop is presented by the International Academy of Consciousness.More about the IAC.

Saturday Workshops (August 30)

Krista Gorman• Saturday, August 30, 3:30-5:30 PM: Workshop with Krista Gorman"Lessons In Love: Twelve Principles For Living"($35 early, $40 regular) My NDE occurred 14 years ago while in labor with my daughter, and it took me 10 years before I really began to process it. My life in the interim was a rollercoaster. When I got to the point where I understood I needed to find a way to live from my truth I’d experienced in the afterlife, I then focused intently on this for three years. During that time, my husband became very ill and our daughter was not dealing with it well. What came out of my quest were Twelve Principles For Living that, when all are aligned and manifested in one’s life, have the potential for an experience of such healing and joy, and have brought me as close as I can get to recreating my NDE here in my body. They help heal everyone in my family. They enable me to live in alignment with who I learned I was in the afterlife. It is my goal to share them with others, as this was the commitment I made when I chose to return to my body. My life’s purpose is to share them with others in the spirit of service and love. More about Krista Gorman.

Sheryl Hill• Friday, August 29, 4:00-6:00 PM: Workshop with Sheryl Hill"Sound Mind – From Stigma to Sigma"($35 early, $40 regular) Near death, shared death and out of body experiences can induce fear of being perceived as ‘out of one’s mind’ or ‘off’.This workshop describes transitions to help migrate through the stigma often associated with experiences into a ‘sound mind’ model of acceptance, expansion and unapologetically stepping into the reward of knowing, sigma. We will explore and define ourbody’s ability to resonate in Hz and make the connection with high energy ‘love’or low energy ‘anger, despair’ as a key component of ‘Sound Mind’ achievement and discuss tools and practices to achieve spiritual rewards like hope, healing, and transformation.More about Sheryl Hill.

Heidi McClure• Saturday, August 30, 3:30-5:30 PM: Workshop with Heidi McClure-"Sacred Geometry Dance: Creating a vortex to open to the Divine"($35 early, $40 regular) The grief at the loss of a loved one can be devastating to those left behind such that they become depressed and hopeless. Heidi McClure’s son fell off the sacred cliffs of the red rocks in Sedona, Arizona at the age of 21. Between tears of grief, she passionately sought to stay connected with her son, who she was talking to on the phone at the time he fell. She studied and experienced NDEs, ADCs, Past and Between Life Regressions through hypnosis and developed her psychic abilities. As a dancer/dance therapist, she began to channel a form of movement that helped her to open a pathway to the Divine which she calls Sacred Geometry Dance. This gave her great strength to not only stay connected to her son, but to help individuals connect to the sacred, eternal place of divine compassion and oneness from which we all come and to which we will all return. More about Heidi McClure.

Robert SchwartzSaturday, August 30, 3:30-5:30 PM: Workshop with Robert SchwartzPast Life Soul Regression. ($35 early, $40 regular) Robert Schwartz will lead a Past Life Soul Regression (PLSR) in which you will have the opportunity to experience a past life that had a direct and significant bearing on the planning for your current lifetime. PLSR’s may be thought of as “deletion work.” That is, any block or trauma of past life origin may be “deleted” or healed so that you can move forward in life. Often, simply experiencing the past life in which the block or trauma arose is sufficient to create deep healing, a process known as abreaction. A PLSR can help you to resolve generalized fear or anxiety, specific phobias, grief, and many other emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. By experiencing a past life that impacted the planning for your current lifetime, you can gain greater clarity and insight into the purpose of your life and your relationships. At the conclusion of the past life, you will transition into the Spirit realm, where you may talk with one of your spirit guides about the past life you experienced, why you were shown that particular lifetime, how it impacted the plan for your current life, and how you may fulfill the plan for your currrent life. More about Robert Schwartz.

Sunday Workshops (August 31)

JTimothyGreen2• Sunday, August 31, 3:15-5:15 PM: Workshop with J. Timothy Green"Shamanic Journey Workshop" ($35 early, $40 regular) This workshop will introduce participants to the experience of shamanic journeying; of leaving one's body at will and with intent to enter into the shamanic or spiritual realms. through the use of sustained drumming, rattling, and singing, participants will learn to journey to the Lower World in search for a helping animal spirit, and then to the Upper World to search for a teacher that usually presents in human form. Participants need to bring a pillow, a mat of some kind to lie on, something to put over their eyes, and pen and paper to write down their journeys. NDErs have already been initiated into shamanism by having had an NDE, and experience has shown that NDErs often have powerful experiences after even brief exposure to shamanic methods. More about J. Timothy.

Roberta Moore• Sunday, August 31, 3:15-5:15 PM: Workshop with Roberta Moore"Getting the Word Out About NDEs"(FREE) In spite of the vast literature and media coverage of NDEs, there is still a lack of understanding among some medical professionals and the general public. An NDE is a patient event that has received little attention in medical circles possibly because of the absence of informational training materials.This free workshop presents a groundbreaking video and other materials which can be used to train caregivers and inform general audiences. The video, Near-Death Experience, What Medical Professionals Need to Know, presents interviews with doctors, NDE researchers, and near-death experiencers. It shifts the emphasis to patient care with NDEs presented as natural experiences, which must be treated in the larger context of patient needs. Rather than focusing on the mystery of the near-death experience, the video focuses on NDEs’ impact on patient healing. In addition, it provides a protocol for professionals dealing with near-death experiencers. The video has been well received in hospitals, colleges, community education centers, churches, and other similar settings. The video is available for individuals as a single DVD and as part of a Training Package for institutions such as hospitals, hospice, medical schools and nursing programs. For the trailer and more information see www.iands.org/video.

RobertTremblay2Sunday, August 31, 3:15-5:15 PM: Workshop with Robert Tremblay"FANTABULOUS! 'Create your own Adventure': An Experiment in Energy" ($35 early, $40 regular) This an interactive seminar that requires a collective experience in unlocking shared theories and ideas to better our earthly mission. This is not a sit down and listen seminar. This is a collective dialogue experiment designed to provoke thought and invoke action and results. It is time we get our collective brains into a room together and see what we can create. We all have experienced profound changes in our minds and how they function....Isn't it time to take it out for a test drive as a collective "one" and see what we can do with it? We have many topics to discuss in a fun energized manner that should be not just an education but an experience. We will explore synchronicity live and in person and capture it. I believe if we push a big ball of energy around a room with arguably the most enlightened minds of our time, some great things will happen. I am certain of it. There is a big question lingering for some of us as we continually adjust to our new minds: "what do we do with it?" It's time to find out our own potential for real on this issue and others...it's just simply time. The speaker is a twenty year national trainer in the automotive industry and a former Chief of Police and decorated US Army Veteran who has practiced all of his life what he calls "Energy Engineering." Using his experience he will guide us into groups and we will explore our theories and epiphanies for the betterment of our world. Let's be honest, we all have these ideas. Let's just see what we can create with them...Attendees should come prepared to participate in a dialogue that will continually build onto itself at their discretion for the collective. Let's send out some ripples of energy....and see what happens ...Free will to try....come prepared to play in the light! More about Robert.

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